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Image by Steven Cornfield

Artículos científicos sobre vacunas contra COVID19 en pacientes con enfermedades reumatológicas

  • COVID-19 Vaccine Clinical Guidance Summary for Patients with Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases

The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to rheumatology providers on the use of the COVID-19 vaccine and the associated management of rheumatic and musculoskeletal disease patients around the time of vaccination against SARS-CoV-2...Descargar artículo.

  • Potential acceptance of COVID-19 vaccine in rheumatological patients: a monocentric comparative survey

Similarly to the general population, advanced age, comorbidities and chronic glucocorticoid treatment (≥10mg/day prednisone-equivalent) have been identified as negative prognostic factors for COVID-19 also in rheumatological patients. Unfortunately, until today, the only effective recommended strategy to reduce the rate of SARS-CoV-2 infection in rheumatological patients has been the application of preventive life-style measures, such as social distancing and the use of personal protective equipment...Descargar artículo.

  • Primeira atualização das Orientações para Reumatologistas Acerca da Vacinação Contra SARSCoV-2 Baseada em Cenários, em Pacientes com Doenças Reumáticas Imunomediadas (DRIM) – 24.01.2021

Objetivos gerais deste Informe técnico: Vacinar os grupos de maior risco para desenvolvimento de formas graves e óbitos;  Vacinar os indivíduos com maior risco de infecção. Neste cenário, foram também incluídos os grupos prioritários definidos pelo Ministério da Saúde, na ordem em que serão vacinados, como os de comorbidades, pessoas com 18 a 59 anos com uma ou mais das comorbidades pré-determinadas, listadas abaixo no quadro:..Descargar artículo.

  • Recomendaciones sobre la Vacunación contra COVID-19 en pacientes con enfermedades autoinmunes

Las recomendaciones que se dan a continuación corresponden a las conclusiones de un comité ad hoc de la Asociación Colombiana de Reumatología y de la Asociación Colombiana de Inmunología, conformado por inmunólogos y médicos especialistas en el tratamiento de enfermedades autoinmunes y reumatológicas...Descargar artículo.

  • COVID-19 vaccine-readiness for anti-CD20-depleting therapy in autoimmune diseases

Although most autoimmune diseases are considered to be CD4 T cell- or antibody-mediated, many respond to CD20-depleting antibodies that have limited influence on CD4 and plasma cells. This includes rituximab, oblinutuzumab and ofatumumab that are used in cancer, rheumatoid arthritis and off-label in a large number of other autoimmunities and ocrelizumab in multiple sclerosis. Recently, the COVID-19 pandemic created concerns about immunosuppression in autoimmunity, leading to cessation or a delay in immunotherapy treatments...Descargar artículo.

  • SARS‑CoV‑2 vaccines and autoimmune diseases amidst the COVID‑19 crisis

Abstract: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has become challenging even for the most durable healthcare systems. It seems that vaccination, one of the most efective public-health interventions, presents a ray of hope to end the pandemic by achieving herd immunity. In this review, we aimed to cover aspects of the current knowledge of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) vaccines and vaccine candidates in the light of autoimmune infammatory diseases (AIIDs) and to analyze their potential in terms of safety and efectiveness in patients with AIIDs...Descargar artículo.

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