Learn more about rheumatology

Scientific papers presented
Conference for patients, Uruguayan rheumatology congress 2016
On Thursdays in July, we spoke with rheumatologist specialists in the country about different medical records related to rheumatology. The conferences were a space for dialogue between doctors.
On Thursdays in July, we spoke with rheumatologist specialists in the country about different medical records related to rheumatology. The conferences were a space for dialogue between doctors.

Scientific papers presented
Conference for patients, Uruguayan rheumatology congress 2016

Scientific papers presented
Conference for patients, Uruguayan rheumatology congress 2016
On Thursdays in July, we spoke with rheumatologist specialists in the country about different medical records related to rheumatology. The conferences were a space for dialogue between doctors.
On Thursdays in July, we spoke with rheumatologist specialists in the country about different medical records related to rheumatology. The conferences were a space for dialogue between doctors.

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Scientific papers presented
Conference for patients, Uruguayan rheumatology congress 2016
On Thursdays in July, we spoke with rheumatologist specialists in the country about different medical records related to rheumatology. The conferences were a space for dialogue between doctors.